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// Posted by :Febryan Sukma Limanus
// On :Jumat, 06 Desember 2013
- A number of Sniper's lines are either direct quotations or paraphrases of lines used by the Sniper class in Team Fortress 2, a popular class-based shooter also by Valve. Such phrases include: "Thanks for standing still, wanker!", "Let's have a go at it", "Professionals have standards", "I am polite and efficient", and "As long as there's two heroes on the battlefield, someone is gonna want someone dead".
- Sniper's name in DotA, Kardel Sharpeye, is a reference to professional Counter-Strike player Kyle "Ksharp" Miller of team 3D, who is regarded for his skillful AWP (Sniper rifle) use.
- Sniper's fun name in DotA was Vassili Zacjev/Zaitsev, a highly skilled Russian sniper who was active during World War 2.
- Sniper's line "What a dum-dum!" is a pun on the dum-dum, or expanding bullet. It is designed to expand on impact in order to limit penetration and create a wound larger in diameter.
- Sniper's eye wear was added to Team Fortress 2 on the 18th August 2011 as Sniper's Snipin' Glass.
- Sniper and
Gyrocopter have the fastest attack missile speed in the game, which is 3000. Coupled with his range, this makes him one of the best last-hitting heroes in the game.